domingo, 9 de enero de 2011


The Moon, who is caprice itself, looked in through your window as you lay asleep in your cradle, and said:

 " This Child pleases me "

And downly descending her stairway of cloud, she passed through the window pane without a sound.

Then she streched herself over you with a mother´s careful tenderness, and left her colors on your face.
That is why your eyes are green and your cheeks extraordinarily pale. And it was when you looked at this visitor that your eyes grew so wondrously large;and she clasped your throat so tenderly that you have wanted to weep ever since.

At the same time, in the fulness of her joy, the Moon pervaded the whole room like a phosphoric atmosphere, like a luminous poison; and all that living radiance thought and said :

" By my kiss i make you eternally mine. You shall be beautiful as i am beautiful. You shall love what i love and what loves me :water, clouds, silence and the night;

the green unfathomable sea; water without form and multiform; the place where you are not;the lover you will never know; monstrous flowers;delirious perfume; languorous cats who lie on pianos and moan like women with sweet and husky voices!

"And you shall be loved by my lovers, courted by my courtiers. You shall be the queen of all men with green eyes, whose throats i have clasped in my nocturnal caresses; of those who love the sea, the green unfathomable, tumultuous sea; water without form and multi-form;

the place where they are not,the woman they will never know, sinister flowers like the censers of a strange religion, perfumes that trouble the will, savage and voluptuous beasts that are the emblems of their madness"

And this is why, dear, spoilt, accursed child, i am lying at your feet searching you all over for the reflection of the dread Goddess, the fateful godmother and poison-nurse of all
